“Master, to whom shall we go?”
“I am weak and frail, my dearest Margaret, but I will not distrust God’s goodness. If I become so terrified that I am in danger of defecting, I shall remember Peter beginning to sink because his faith was weak, and I shall cry out to Christ as he did, ‘Lord, save me.’ I hope he will stretch out his hand and take hold of me and not let me sink.
…….With great hope and trust then, I shall give myself to God.”
These words come from a letter that the great saint Thomas More wrote to his daughter, as he reflected on his likely death by order of England’s king Henry VIII.
Saint Thomas More lived centuries after saint Peter. Yet one can see how deeply Peter’s witness impressed him.
Many of Jesus’ followers were leaving Jesus because of his teaching on the bread of life – flesh to eat and blood to drink, but Peter just couldn’t do it, even if he could not understand all aspects of it. He was convinced that Jesus was the saviour – Messiah. There is no question of going away from him.
Where else could he go to?
Peter is speaking from a conviction that went beyond human thinking. Its grace that’s at work in him. He could have gone home and resumed his stable life as a fisherman, but he decided instead to take a big risk and throw his lot in with Jesus.
Simon Peter risked everything on the Lord; so also Saint Thomas More. What have you risked to follow Jesus in the modern world?
God bless!
Fr Fredy Eluvathingal
Parish priest