“They do not belong to the world (Jn 17.16)”
John the evangelist uses the word ‘World’ in three different meanings.
i) It refers to the universe created by God – an impartial statement (Jn 1.10).
ii)It refers to the fallen family of humankind in need of redemption (Jn 3.17).
iii) It refers to the sphere of the evil one that opposes God and hates the truth (Jn 15.18-20).
I would like to underline the third meaning of the above three: the world is of the evil one that opposes God and hates truth.
Thank God! We have on our side a Jesus Christ sent by the Father – our saviour. He showed that he had power over all the forces in the world: he calmed storms, healed the sick, raised the dead, and multiplied bread and fish. – And to top it all off, he showed that not even death had sway over him. He rose from the dead, and ascended out of this world to back to heaven, where he had come from.
In his prayer to the Father he said again and again: They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world (Jn 17. 14,16). An amazing statement indeed! We still form part of this world; we still need to be protected from the evil one; but be sure, we are not alone; the Lord Jesus is with us. The power of the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus enlightens us. That’s why saint Paul says, the lives we live now, we live by faith in Jesus Christ who died for us (Gal 2.20). Our old selves did die on the cross. It’s faith that we can live a new life, and that He who began a good work in us will see it to completion (Philippians 1.6). Faith that we will never lack the power, energy, and resources we need to live in union with Christ.
We do not belong to this world just as Jesus does not. The power of the evil one is around, but we can say no to them, and learn not to submit to their attraction. We can say no to greed and avarice. We can be freed from anger and lust. We belong to Jesus, and we focus on Jesus.
Declare today that this is true. Choose to live a new life in Jesus. Remember: You and I belong to Jesus!
Fr Fredy Eluvathingal
Parish Priest