The wind blows where it wills (Jn 3.8)
Meteorologists have developed finely-tuned instruments to measure natural forces that help them predict the weather. But in Jesus’ time it was not so. Weather was a bit of a mystery. No one could pin down the wind. You couldn’t find its starting point or know when it would shift direction. It was always doing something unexpected. And so Jesus used this natural phenomenon to illustrate how surprising life is when you try to follow the SPIRIT.
The work of the Spirit does not seem to follow human logic always. Earthly things are not like
heavenly things. Being born of water and the Holy Spirit is not a predictable progression
towards a nobler version of human self. It is experiencing the presence of a God who loves to make everything new.
What Nicodemus wanted was clarity – a better understanding of Jesus’ teaching. But Jesus
didn’t just take him one step further in his faith; he opened before Nicodemus a whole new
world – a new way of living – a way guided by the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Look back over your life. When did you experience the power of the Holy Spirit? Think about a time when God surprised you, may be by deepening your faith as you endured a stormy period in your life. May be there was a family emergency that brought people together. May be you lost your job, but new opportunities opened up. May be a faith sharing that resulted in a conversion of someone you know.
God’s ways seem unpredictable, but he is completely trustworthy! The wind of the SPIRIT may blow hard or gently; yet he will always respond to our faith with more grace and a deeper relationship with him. Therefore let the lessons from your past lay hold of your faith in the present and the future.
“Oh Lord! No matter how the wind blows, I will hold on to you.
I learn to trust that your ways are the best!!!”
Fr Fredy Eluvathingal
Parish Priest